Hey guys, thanks for stopping by my store! I’m Dana and I started 2abide in January of 2019 after standing in a grocery store looking for a new bottle of soap to put on a bathroom counter. I couldn’t find what I really wanted – a bottle that just had Bible scriptures on it and nothing else. No company name, no ingredient list, just the truth of God’s Holy Word. Scriptures that would encourage me and encourage my family as they stood there to wash their hands. It was that simple and within a month I had some samples to show friends and family, and it turned out that I wasn’t the only one who loved this idea. Since then, a whole cleaning supply theme has emerged, and I look forward to introducing new items to you. I hope you find these products provide daily hope and encouragement for you and your family. No matter the task at hand, I hope they remind you how much you are loved by your creator.
As a mama to four kiddos, these products not only serve to remind my husband and kids of their heavenly Father’s love, but they adjust my attitude when I get discouraged or feel my tasks are unimportant. We live on a small farm raising chickens, cattle, and pigs, toss in a couple horses, a dog, and a cat and we have the potential for lots of cleaning. Cleaning kids, clothes, counters, floors, you name it. Years ago, after baby number four, I had four kids ages six and under. It was an intense and demanding time of mothering. I remember one evening cleaning under the kitchen table on my hands and knees, feeling very sorry for myself, and wondering why I even bothered to get my postgraduate law degree all those years ago if this is what my life was to be. I had listened to the lies of the enemy telling me that what I did daily as a mother wasn’t important, and worse, I had agreed. I agreed that my previous “company job” with a paycheck was somehow more significant than what I was doing now. After a few years and a few new cities, we settled into a wonderful church. I started recognizing those thoughts as lies and realized that my job as a parent is the most important of all humanity. Serving my family is my primary mission field. I am a steward of four of God’s children, and I need to remember that. These products help me. And I hope they help you too.